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Troop 129 Handbook

Troop 129 Handbook

Dear New Parents of Troop 129:
We would like to welcome you to Troop 129. We are fortunate to have your son join our troop. Troop 129 wants to help your son succeed in Boy Scouts. There is nothing more rewarding than being able to help your son learn the skills and requirements needed as a boy scout.  We understand this is a new experience for you and your son. The best advice we can give is to make sure that you reach out to parents who are in Troop 129 currently. Ask parents questions and form a support group with one another. If you have a question, please feel free to ask one of the adult leaders. If they can’t answer the question, they may be able to offer a suggestion for whom to contact. We would encourage you to become active in this group. Our troop will be successful because of parents and volunteers who help us on committee, campouts, and other activities. Whether you want to participate on a small or large scale, we will always welcome your help and fresh ideas.  We are here to help you get acclimated into the Troop.
You can check your child’s progress through Scoutbook.
Overall, the troop is guided by The Guide for Safe Scouting. This may be found online at 

Anything in conflict in this handbook to the Guide for Safe Scouting is superseded by the Guide for Safe Scouting. 

What Do I Need To Do First? 

  • Complete Boy Scout Registration Form and give to the scoutmaster.  If you re-chartered with the Pack, mark “Transfer”.

  • Indicate if you want to receive “Boy’s Life Magazine”

  • Annual dues are $100.  This includes Troop Dues (equipment, etc.) and BSA Dues.  If you are new to Scouting, there is an additional $25 fee.

  • If you re-chartered with the Pack in December, dues for 2021 are $25 ($24 Troop Dues plus $1 transfer fee)

  • Make checks payable to Troop 129 and give to the treasurer. 

  • E-mail contact information of scout and parents to the webmaster. 

  • Make sure we have accurate email address and check your email frequently. 

  • Complete Part “A” and Part “B” of the Health Form and give to the troop membership chair.   

  • This is required for campouts – health history and parents’ signature.

  • Part “C” of the Health Form is required for summer camp. 

  • Sign-up for any of our campouts on Scoutbook.

  • Scout uniforms may be purchased at Houston area scout shops. The closest is at  12300 Parc Crest Drive, Stafford (281) 207-2340.

What Patrol Will My Scout Be Assigned? 
Troop 129 has five patrols:  Eagle, Blue Jay, Viking, War Hawk and Knot Head.  Your boys will be assigned to one of these patrols based on headcount in each patrol. This patrol is designed for boys who have crossed over from the Webelos program or any new Scout currently in fifth grade. Patrols may be reassigned as needed. During the first year, one or two older scouts will be assigned to their patrol for guidance (Troop Guides). 

When Are Troop Meetings? 
Troop 129 holds two regular meetings per month on the second Saturday and fourth Tuesday of the month.   Meetings are every 2nd Saturday at 10:00 a.m. and every 4th Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. - St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, 9211 Church St. and normally last between 60 – 90 minutes.  As a general rule, we do not have meetings when there is no school during the school year (NISD holidays). We do have meetings during the summer. 

What is a Patrol Leader’s Council (PLC)? 
The patrol leaders' council is made up of the Senior Patrol Leader, who presides over the meetings; the Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, all Patrol Leaders, Troop Guides, and others as determined by your PLC. The patrol leaders' council plans the yearly troop program at the annual troop program planning conference in late spring. The PLC then meets before each meeting to develop plans for upcoming meetings and activities.  The PLC is composed of the following voting members: 

  • Senior Patrol Leader (SPL) - Elected by boys in the troop, SPL runs the Patrol Leaders’ Council (PLC) meetings. 

  • Assistant Senior Patrol Leader - Serves as a member of the patrol leaders' council and fills in for the SPL as needed 

  • Patrol Leader or his representative - Elected by his patrol, the PL represents his patrol PLC meetings and the annual planning conference. Reports PLC decisions to his patrol. At its monthly meetings, the PLC organizes and assigns activity responsibilities for the weekly troop meetings. The troop committee interacts with the patrol leaders' council through the Scoutmaster. 

  • Troop Guide - Attends patrol leaders’ council meetings with the patrol leader of the new- Scout patrol. 

  • Scribe - Attends and keeps a log of patrol leaders’ council meetings. The scribe is a non-voting member of the PLC. 

  • Quartermaster - May report on condition and availability of equipment and needs 

What is the Field Uniform (Class A Uniform) 

All Scouts are expected to wear their full Field uniform to all Troop Meetings and Activities (unless discussed the “Field” is the standard). Troop 129 requires that Scouts wear the uniform shirt (tucked in with belt), scout pants/shorts or blue jeans/shorts and close toed shoes, to be considered "in uniform".  Basketball shorts are not permitted. Crocs or flip flops are not permitted. Merit badge sash should be worn on more formal occasions such as Courts of Honor. If a scout has a sports or other conflict, we would rather have them at a meeting dirty and out of uniform than not be at the meeting at all. 
What is Activity Uniform? (Class B Uniform) 

During physically active outdoor events and informal activities, Scouts may wear an activity uniform which consists of patrol/troop t-shirt or other BSA related activity t-shirts (from Camp Strake, Buffalo Trails, campout, etc) with Scout pants/shorts, blue jeans/shorts.  Troop t-shirts will be made available for purchase.  We recommend each Scout purchase at least 1 troop t-shirt.

What Does My Son Bring to the Troop Meeting? 
Every Scout MUST have a Boy Scout Handbook that was given to him at the crossover ceremony. This book should have their name clearly marked on the outside edge of the book pages. All Advancement will be recorded in the book. A book cover is highly recommended for the Handbook. Every advancement requirement is resourced in this handbook. Scouts should bring their Scout Handbook to every meeting and campout, however to reduce the risk of loss or damage, you may want to consider photocopying the signature page periodically. 

It is important for your son to periodically give his book to the advancement chair. We have a program that electronically records your son’s advancement. It is the only back-up for lost handbooks. 

Where Do I find the Most Current Troop Information? 
Please communicate an accurate email address to the scoutmaster, because email is a primary source of communication.  All events are listed in the Scoutbook calendar or on website

How Do I Find Out About Camping Events? 
Troop 129 camps/ plans an average of one overnight campout one weekend every other  month. The Troop has an inventory of equipment we use on our campouts and other outings. We provide the following: 

  • Tents 

  • Ground Cloth (tarps) 

  • Dining Fly 

  • Wood/Fire Pit 

  • Cooking equipment 

  • Water coolers 

  • Propane lanterns 

  • Tables 

  • Toilet Paper/Camping toilet 

  • Cleaning Supplies 

  • First Aid Supplies 

We DO NOT provide: 

  • Cups, Plates, Bowls, Knives, and Forks

  • Chairs

  • Sleeping Bags

  • Clothing appropriate for the season 

Emails are sent for every campout containing all of the specifics for each outing. Scouts (and parents planning to attend) MUST sign up for these outings in advance so we can plan accordingly. Sign up takes place on Scoutbook.  If you or your son cancels two days before a campout, they will still be charged for costs incurred by the troop (i.e. food and camping fees).  There are times when it is noted that a cracker barrel will take place at the event. The cracker barrel is an opportunity for the kids/adults to have snacks (chips, crackers, meat, cheese, etc) prior to retiring for the evening. On most campouts that start on Friday, the scout needs to arrive fed, but at times we will have a cracker barrel. 

For longer term camps (ie summer camp), the troop packs in trunks available from Academy and other area sporting goods stores. The last page of the handbook shows a picture of the trunk.  
What is Summer Camp? 
We will be attending a weeklong Summer Camp every summer.  In the 4th quarter, the Scouts will decide where they would like to go for summer camp.  There are camps all over the United States.  Our troop has attended camps throughout Texas, as well as in Arkansas and Colorado.  Adult leaders will coordinate the logistics and usually the camp is in June or July.  All Scouts are responsible to “be prepared” for these outings. Appropriate clothing and personal gear are to be planned for and brought to each campout.  A list is in the Boy Scout Handbook.  As the time gets closer, more guidance will be provided for packing.

What are Troop Committee Meetings? 
Every month, the adults who volunteer attend a meeting at St. Paul’s. These meetings are open to ALL parents who are interested in learning more about the events taking place in Troop 129. They begin at 6:30 pm on the second Monday of each month.   We urge you to get involved with the Troop. The success of the troop depends on parents and volunteers who give their time to help our boys earn the various ranks of boy scouting.  We ask that one adult from each Scouting family be registered with the troop.  Please note that you do not need to be registered to help with events.

What are Attendance Requirements? 
We track attendance at meetings and on campouts and use this towards Rank Advancement (51% is required for both meetings and campouts overall). Scouts are responsible to make sure their attendance is properly recorded. As your son works towards 2nd and 1st Class Ranks, you will notice that 2nd Class requires five (5) Troop Activities and 1st Class requires an additional five (5) activities. This seems to hold up most Scouts their first few months with the Troop. Activities that count are: 

  • Campouts

  • Eagle Court of Honor

  • Troop Service work or fundraising

  • Helping other Scouts with Eagle Projects

  • Other special events – as approved by scoutmaster 

  • Troop meetings do not count as 2nd Class or 1st Class advancement activities. 

What Are the Different Scout Ranks? 

  • Scout 

  • Tenderfoot 

  • 2nd Class 

  • 1st Class 

  • Star

  • Life

  • Eagle 

  • Eagle Palm 

The requirements for each of these ranks are included in the Boy Scout Handbook. 
Important to note:  Campouts are designed to help the new scouts along the path to the First-Class Scout rank by taking them through advancement requirements and achieving specific merit badges. The Troop will also work with your son through the first class emphasis program during the year to achieve these requirements as each Scout works at their own pace.
How Does My Son Earn Rank Advancement? 
Boy Scout Advancement is different from Cub Scouts. For the most part, Parents can no longer sign off on completed requirements. The first rank is “Scout” and the boys review the joining requirements, complete the youth protection pamphlet exercises with their Parent or Guardian, complete the requirements for Scout Rank and present themselves to the Scoutmaster for a “Scoutmaster Conference”. More about the Scoutmaster Conference can be found in the Boy Scout Handbook. The scout will receive his rank patch at the Court of Honor after he earns the rank. The Troop uses Scoutbook to track and record scout advancement. The contact person for this is our Advancement Chairman. 

The Scout completes the requirements for advancement in rank and has them each signed-off on by an Adult Leader in the Troop or a sufficiently senior ranking Scout such as a patrol leader, instructor, or guide (preferred method). The Scout contacts the scoutmaster to arrange a Scoutmaster Conference, as well as a subsequent board of Review by three of the Troops’ adults once the Scoutmaster Conference is completed. After the Board of Review meets with the Scout and approves his advancement in rank, the Scout holds that rank immediately.  Courts of Honor are held four times a year. They are a ceremony that publicly recognizes a Scout’s achievements in his Scouting endeavors.

Our goals for your scout: 

  • Advance at a pace that keeps interest high but doesn’t cause stress for your Scout (or you!) 

  • Have scouts update their progress with the Advancement Chair often enough that it isn’t a disaster if they lose their book, but not so often that there is a 2-hour line at the end of meetings. 

  • Allows the Advancement Chair to keep track of progress so that we can see who needs attention 

  • Allows you to have a source of progress information in addition to your scout

  • Allows the Advancement Chair to encourage them and discuss what they need to be doing to continue advancing

  • Foster responsibility and accountability by encouraging Scouts to work out advancement issues directly with the Advancement Chair. Parents are encouraged to have their Scout interact with the Advancement Chair ... it’s the Scout’s responsibility, not the parents.

What are the Activity Requirements for the Various Ranks? 

  • Second Class - 5 activities at least 3 of the total involve camping overnight

  • First Class - 5 more, 10 total activities where at least 6 of the total involve camping overnight 

  • Star – 4 months (minimum), including 4 months “serving actively” in a leadership position

  • Life – 6 months (minimum), including 6 months “serving actively” in a leadership position

  • Eagle – 6 months (minimum), including 6 months “serving actively” in a leadership position 

What Is Scout Spirit, Scoutmaster Conference, and Boards of Review? 
Scout Spirit is the final rank requirement to be signed off prior to the Scoutmaster Conference. 
Subjective Criteria of Scout Spirit: 
Troop 129 has set the following guidelines for measuring these criteria.
Scouts are taught that they are Scouts 24 hours a day: the values of Scouting are not something to be turned off at the end of the Scout meetings.

Because of this, Scouts will be evaluated based on: 

  • Living the Scout Oath and Law. You can ask them for specific examples of how they have done this in their daily lives.

  • Contributing to the Troop

  • Contributing to the Community 

  • Helping younger Scouts and children grow and learn 

  • Showing maturity and respect for others 

Scoutmaster's Conferences are the step in advancement that a trained leader thoroughly "tests" the Scout on Scout Skills for that rank and "re-tests" on Scout Skills for all previous ranks. Scouts should schedule a conference with a Scoutmaster when they are ready and have completed all requirements for the rank they want to achieve.  There will not be any further "testing" at the Board of Review level. Therefore, a Scout must be able to convince the leader that he has mastered the requirements and is ready for his Board of Review. If he is not fully prepared, the leader should ask him to look over the material again and return at a later date to complete the Scoutmaster's Conference. After the Scout successfully completes his Scoutmaster's conference, the Scout should request a Board of Review with the Advancement Chair. A Board of Review is made up of three adults, one of which must be a registered adult leader of the Troop. 

Boards of Review are to be performed by a group of at least three troop committee members. This Board will not be for the purpose of testing Scouts on Scout Skills. This is the opportunity for the Scout to review his advancement and progress in the Troop as well as the community and for him to review the performance of the Troop and its leaders.  For the Scoutmaster Conferences and Boards of Review, the Scout presents himself in Class A Uniform. 

Merit Badges The ranks of Star, Life, and Eagle require that a Scout earn a certain number of merit badges. Merit badges are awarded to Scouts for fulfilling requirements in specific fields of interest. A Scout works closely with a council-approved merit badge counselor to complete the requirements for the merit badge. When a Scout feels that he is ready to earn a merit badge, he is to obtain a blue merit badge card from the Advancement Chairperson. The Scoutmaster or Advancement Chairperson signs the card giving his approval for the Scout to work on the badge. The scout must obtain a blue card prior to starting work on a merit badge.  
The only exceptions to this are summer camp and some merit badge events that don’t require blue cards.  However, if the merit badge is not completed at the event, the scout needs to obtain a blue card to properly document the progress and completion of the badge.   A Scout can earn a merit badge at summer camp, at a Merit Badge Forum, at a Troop-conducted merit badge class, or on his own by contacting an approved merit badge counselor. 

If a Scout has special needs in order for them to advance and grow in Scouting, those needs will be addressed on an individual basis. If you feel your son has special needs, please discuss them with the Scoutmaster and Advancement Chairperson. 

How Does My Son Get Credit for a Leadership Position? 
If your son is eligible for a leadership position, there are many opportunities within the
troop in which he can illustrate his leadership skills. The Senior Patrol Leader is the person in charge of the leadership positions and can explain each role.

A requirement for advancement to the ranks of Star, Life & Eagle is to “serve actively” in one or more of the following positions of leadership responsibility. At least 4 months are required for Star, and a minimum of 6 months are required for Life & Eagle. Serving actively means more than mere attendance at the weekly troop meetings; it should translate into active, constructive participation that advances the efforts of the patrol, and troop. The troop meetings are where we plan and prepare for the monthly campouts or events. Campouts, since they are longer in duration, are where most patrol/troop leadership is practiced and demonstrated. Participating regularly in these outings, especially campouts is the surest way to demonstrate active service. Scouts may volunteer, be elected or be appointed by the Senior Patrol Leader to a position. When your Scout reaches 1st Class, he should immediately see the Senior Patrol Leader for a position. Troop Leadership Elections are held every six months. These elected positions are for that six-month term. Scouts may also volunteer or be appointed to a leadership position at any time 
Positions Available Within Troop 129: 
Patrol Leader's Council 
Senior Patrol Leader 

The senior patrol leader (SPL) is elected by the Scouts to represent them as the top youth leader in the troop. He runs all troop meetings, events, activities, the annual program planning conference, and the patrol leaders' council meeting. He appoints other troop youth leaders with the advice and counsel of the Scoutmaster. 
Assistant Senior Patrol Leader 

The assistant senior patrol leader (ASPL) is the second highest-ranking youth leader in the troop. He is appointed by the senior patrol leader with the approval of the Scoutmaster. The assistant senior patrol leader acts as the senior patrol leader in the absence of the senior patrol leader or when called upon. He also provides leadership to other youth leaders in the troop. 

Patrol Leader 

The patrol leader is the elected leader of his patrol. He represents his patrol on the patrol leaders’ council and appoints the assistant patrol leader. 

Troop Guide 

The troop guide works with new Scouts. He helps them feel comfortable and earn their First Class in their first year. He teaches basic Scout skills and works with the patrol leader at patrol leaders’ council meetings. Serving as Guide can apply towards Positions of Responsibility requirements for Eagle in a Boy Scout. 
Other troop leadership positions 

Assistant Patrol Leader 

The assistant patrol leader is appointed by the patrol leader and leads the patrol in his absence. He represents his patrol at patrol leaders’ council meetings when the patrol leader cannot attend. The assistant patrol leader position does not count towards leadership requirements for Star, Life, or Eagle.


The quartermaster keeps track of troop equipment and sees that it is in good working order. He keeps records on patrol and troop equipment, makes sure equipment is in good working condition, and issues equipment and makes sure it is returned in good condition.  Serving as Quartermaster can apply towards Positions of Responsibility requirements for Eagle. 


The scribe keeps the troop records. He records the activities of the patrol leaders’ council and keeps a record of dues, advancement, and Scout attendance at troop meetings. Serving as Scribe can apply towards Positions of Responsibility requirements for Eagle. 


The historian preserves troop photographs, news stories, trophies, flags, scrapbooks, awards, and other memorabilia. Serving as Historian can apply towards Positions of Responsibility requirements for Eagle in a Boy Scout Troop. 


The librarian oversees the care and use of troop books, pamphlets, magazines, audiovisuals, and merit badge counselor lists.  Serving as Librarian can apply towards Positions of Responsibility requirements for Eagle in a Boy Scout Troop.


The instructor teaches Scouting skills.  Serving as Instructor can apply towards Positions of Responsibility requirements for Eagle in a Boy Scout Troop.

Chaplain Aide 

The chaplain aide works with the troop chaplain to meet the religious needs of Scouts in the troop. He also works to promote the religious emblems program.  Serving as Chaplain Aide can apply towards Positions of Responsibility requirements for Eagle in a Boy Scout Troop.

Den Chief

The den chief works with the Cub Scouts, Webelos Scouts, and den leaders in the Cub Scout pack. Helps Cub Scouts advance through Cub Scout ranks and encourages Cub Scouts to join a Boy Scout troop upon graduation. Serving as Den Chief can apply towards Positions of Responsibility requirements for Eagle in a Boy Scout. 

Junior Assistant Scoutmaster 

The junior assistant Scoutmaster (JASM) serves in the capacity of an assistant Scoutmaster except where legal age and maturity are required. He must be at least 16 years old and not yet 18. He is appointed by the Scoutmaster because of his leadership ability.  Serving as Junior Assistant Scoutmaster can apply towards Positions of Responsibility requirements for Eagle in a Boy Scout. 

Order of the Arrow Representative 

The Order of the Arrow Representative is a youth liaison serving between the local Order of the Arrow (OA) lodge or chapter and his troop. In his unit, he helps meet the needs of the unit and will serve as a communication and programmatic link to and from Arrowmen, adult leaders and Scouts who are not presently members of the Order.  Serving as Order of the Arrow Representative can apply towards Positions of Responsibility requirements for Eagle in a Boy Scout. 


The webmaster works with various unit members on needed topics, ensures the Web site is as youth-run as possible, helps out Web site where needed.  Serving as Webmaster can apply towards Positions of Responsibility requirements for Eagle in a Boy Scout. 

Outdoor Ethics Guide 

The Outdoor Ethics Guide specializes in teaching Leave No Trace principles and ensures that the troop follows the principles of Leave No Trace on all outings such as camping and other outdoor activities. Serving as Outdoor Ethics Guide can apply towards Positions of Responsibility requirements for Eagle in a Boy Scout. 


The Bugler should be able to make appropriate bugle calls, as requested, at troop activities. (Appointed by the SPL) Serving as Bugler can apply towards Positions of Responsibility requirements for Star and Life but not Eagle. 

What constitutes Service Hours? 
The Scoutmaster will accept almost anything that helps others and is not used for another Scouting requirement. Please have your scout secure written confirmation from the sponsoring organization or group indicating the date, service performed, and number of hours worked. If there is some question about whether it will count, ask in advance.  Paid events do not count as service hours.

How Do I Pay My Fees for Scouting? 
There are numerous opportunities within Troop 129 through paid service projects in the community for your scout to earn his way through scouting.  Each scout and registered adult will have an account maintained by the Troop Treasurer.  Most scouting related costs will be deducted from this account.  The treasurer is at most troop meetings and can also secure your money for the annual fee for scouting and campouts along with other incidentals that arise. When your son decides to attend a camp out, you will be charged the Wednesday before the campout. If your son is unable to go after that Wednesday, he will be responsible for any costs accrued by the troop/patrol. On the troop website will be information regarding the campout and a sign-up. If you sign up to attend a campout, and do not attend or notify the SPL, your Troop account will still be charged the full amount. 

What is Friends of Scouting? 
If you wish to contribute to Friends of Scouting, it is an organization which helps those who would like to participate in scouting, but financial need assistance. It costs the Sam Houston Area Council approximately $/scout a year to pay for all the upkeep and programs in scouting. Feel free to contact the committee chair or treasurer for more information. 
Please refer to this website for more information: 

Health Forms? 
All Scouts are required to have a ‘current’ Part A and Part B Health form on file with the
Troop at all times. These need to be updated every 12 months. Adults attending Troop camp outs are also required to have these same 2 forms on file with the Troop. To attend Summer Camp, Scouts & Adults MUST have a current Part A, Part B and Part C health form on file. These need to be updated every 12 months. 
Part A and B must be on file for every campout and does not need a doctor’s signature. 
Part C must be on file for a campout great than 72 hours (i.e. summer camp) 
Here is a link for the health form. 

What is an Honor Scout Program – Order of the Arrow? 
Some of the older scouts and adults are involved in Boy Scout Honor Camping Programs. Troop 129 participates in the Order of the Arrow. New Scouts will have plenty of time to learn more about these and will hopefully be invited to join when they reach the appropriate levels in Scouts. 
Order of the Arrow: 

Scouts are elected to the Order by their fellow scouts, following approval by the Scoutmaster. In order to be eligible for selection, there are several qualifications that must be met. A youth must hold First Class rank. The youth must have experienced fifteen days and nights of Boy Scout camping during the two-year period prior to the annual spring election. The fifteen days and nights must include one, but no more than one, long-term camp consisting of six consecutive days and five nights of resident (summer) camping, approved and under the auspices and standards of the Boy Scouts of America. 
The balance of the camping must be overnight, weekend, or other short-term Boy Scout camps. Take this into consideration when planning your campout attendance during your first year if you are interested in this honor program. There is also an opportunity for adults to join. 

Criteria for Order of the Arrow 
The purpose of the Order of the Arrow is fourfold: 

  • To recognize those Scout campers who best exemplify the Scout Oath and Law in their daily lives 

  • To develop and maintain camping traditions and spirit 

  • To promote Scout camping 

  • To crystallize the Scout habit of helpfulness into a life purpose of leadership in cheerful service to others 

  • ​

Scouts are elected to the Order by their fellow Scout members, following approval by the Scoutmaster. To become a member, a youth must be a registered member of a Boy Scout troop and hold First Class rank. The youth must have experienced fifteen days and nights of Boy Scout camping. The fifteen days and nights must include one, but no more than one, long-term camp consisting of six consecutive days and five nights of resident camping, approved and under the auspices and standards of the Boy Scouts of America.
The balance of the camping must be overnight, weekend, or other short-term camps. These 15 nights must be in the 2-year period prior to Troop OA elections. Adult selection is based on their ability to perform the necessary functions to help the Order fulfill its purpose and is not for recognition. Selected adult Scouters must be an asset to the Order because of demonstrated abilities and provide a positive role model for the youth members of the lodge. The induction ceremony, called the Ordeal, is the first step toward full membership. During the experience, candidates maintain silence, receive small amounts of food, work on camp improvement projects, and are required to sleep alone, apart from other campers. The entire experience is designed to teach significant values.

After 10 months of service and fulfilling certain requirements, a member may take part in the Brotherhood ceremony, which places further emphasis on the ideals of Scouting and the Order. Completion of this ceremony signifies full membership in the OA. After two years of service as a Brotherhood member, and with the approval of the national Order of the Arrow Committee, a Scout may be recognized with the Vigil Honor for outstanding service to Scouting, his lodge, and the community. This honor is bestowed by special selection and is limited to one person for every 50 members registered with the lodge each year. 

High Adventure Camping 
High Adventure options may be available at summer camps. It is for older scouts (14 years old or have completed 8th grade). The troop will do this every year and your son will have an opportunity to participate as he grows in Scouting. 
Photo of locker to be used for summer camp.  Usually available at Wal-Mart or Academy for around $40.

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©2023 by BSA Troop 129. 

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